Monday, December 24, 2012

Who Needs Reindeer Games?

I've been a little bit busy working my seasonal second job in retail the past few days, which has lead to one very bored elf. She's been going a little stir crazy in the apartment. All her daytime shows have been replaced with Christmas classics like Frosty the Snowman, Christmas Vacation, etc.

My hall closet is filled to the brim with board games. I've been known to host a game night or two much to the delight of my friends. Apples to Apples anyone? Lame Lame Lame was Holly's response but she caved in. When I came home last night I found various games scattered across the living room as I stepped over empty soda cans and empty bags of Cheetos. I still find Holly's orange Cheeto's glow creepy. Shudder.

As I started putting away the games I noticed a common theme.

Game #1: Clue... Mrs. White in the living room with a dagger? NOPE... The final result was Holly The Elf in the Library with a shiv made from a candy cane.

Game # 2: Christmas Mad Lib by Holly The Elf


Being a single  CAT LADY during the holidays can be royal pain in the FUNGUS TOE.  Sure, everyone would would like to spend a/an NOTORIUS  Christmas Day OVERATING  with their special KITTY.
 But being a/an SQUARE, single ACTION FIGURE does have its plus side. You can stay in your SOCK MONKEY  PAJAMAS  AND MOONWALK  in front of the TV all day watching  JEERY SPRINGER all day long.  You can drink as much PEPPERMINT SCHNAPPS as you want without embarassing your significant ELF, and you don't have to spend a fortune on a/an ONLINE DATING PROFILE for your FABULOUSLY FUNKY ELF. Spending Christmas alone really isn't so UNADVENTUROUS after all!!

Game# 3
Apples to Apples

Looks like Holly's personality is on the right and mine is on the left. :)

Game #4 Scrabble

Holly's bags are packed and are sitting by the front door waiting for the switch with Santa tonight. One mischevious elf for one Taylor Swift Red CD. . Possibly a first edition of Henry and Beezus as well.

I'm baking a batch of my special super dooper cookies for Santa tonight.Wish me luck. Tomorrow morning I should have my sanity back.

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