Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year and an Elf Sized Barbie Condo.

It's a new year and Santa has left me a bind. This apartment was meant to house myself and two cats, not a unruly mischevious elf.

Calls were made and emails were sent out. Would  anyone be interesting in being a foster parent to an elf? Let's just say all my inquiries went unanswered.

A deal has been made. Holly can reside here in NH if she stops plotting to smother me in my sleep. OR posion my food... We have a 3 strike policy and she wanted to know what constitutes as a strike. Well getting arrested would be one strike of course. I'll have to adjust the terms and conditions as we go along.

Holly said that if she was going to crash here for the year she needs her own space. She temporarily evicted Daisy and Mittens from the kitty condo much to their chagrin but quicky grew bored and said she needs something way more fabulous. A few searches online and Holly found the solution, her own Barbie Dream Home. Actually more like the Barbie Condo with the awesome elevator. I confessed that as a kid I always wanted one but was told that Barbie was more than happy with her RV and horse. Barbie can't have everything. Or at least we couldn't afford for Barbie to have everything. Does she really need a party boat, pool, and corvette?

I placed my first bid on Ebay and Holly monitored our status with much glee as we were top bidder. That all changed yesterday when Scorned_Ken@Barbiedumpedmysorrybutt placed a bid. A war has begun. Words were exchanged, threats were made betweeen a mischevious elf and an evicted Ken that wants his condo back.

Only hours were left on the clock and Holly decided to send the seller a message. I wasn't aware you could attach photos through a message on Ebay but Holly found a way. I'm not sure what she sent but  the seller closed the auction and the Barbie Condo is ours. There are several Barbie Dream Houses on Ebay that are larger in size. I asked Holly why she needed this particular one and she said the elevator would come in handy on rough nights if you know what I mean. Note to self. Search house for nips and hidden mini flasks.

I'm not 100% sure what Holly sent that seller but I did discover a few disturbing photos of me sleeping and Holly holding a pillow over my face.  Another photo of myself cooking in the kitchen and Holly posed behind me with a knife. ..... You get the idea.

Well, the condo should arrive shortly and we are starting off the New Year with new living arragnements, house rules, and hopefully some anti-psychotic elf medication. Does such a thing exist? I pray it does....

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