Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Holly Rules, Charlotte Drools

Holly can be many things, but jealous is not something that ranks high on the list or so I used to think.

Today is my friend Charlotte’s birthday.

Charlotte is the type of friend that when you are singing silently to yourself she will join in. Charlotte is the type of friend that when you say lets crash the bouncy house at a graduation party she will do so with glee. A friend that thinks it is not odd at all that you have a psycho mischievous elf living in a Barbie Dream Condo in your spare back room.

 I wish I had a friend like this growing up. Just be yourself, have fun, and let the world pass you by without a care of what they think. Two quirky fun loving gals taking the world by storm.

I had my suspicions about Holly though. When Charlotte came over for Knitting In Your Lounge Pants While Watching Movies Sunday, Holly would unravel her knitting projects when she left the room.

Maybe it was Holly that scribbled in red lipstick HOLLY RULES,  CHARLOTTE DROOLS  on the hood of her car the last time she visited.

I asked Holly, what is your issue with Charlotte and she just grumbled “ She’s from Vermont.” So, what do you have against Vermonters?” Holly levels her gaze “Oh….. she knows why….. AND MAYBE IT WOULDN’T HURT TO TAKE ME TO WEDNESDAY TRIVIA ONCE IN AWHILE. I CAN WIN FREE DRINKS TOO YOU KNOW!!!”

So my little psycho elf is jealous after all. I will have to think of some common hobbies we can share that doesn’t include fashioning weapons out of candy canes or  creating voodoo Santa dolls. Any suggestions are welcomed. Good clean fun y’all.

I had a little talk with Holly assured her that I’m positive Charlotte would like to be her friend as well. Maybe we can stop with all the mischief and do something nice for her birthday. I’ll add $20 to her fund and she can create a fabulous little treat that makes a statement. That statement being I’M NOT A JEALOUS PSYCHOTIC ELF AND WOULD LIKE TO BE YOUR ZANY ELF FRIEND.”

Holly has been hard at work and came up with a few birthday ideas that would impress Charlotte.

1.       Hire Sigfried and Roy to host birthday party on Saturday
2.       Turn Katie and Tamsyn’s apartment into a real life Candy Land for her birthday party
3.       Finish Dover BINGO project
4.       Buy Charlotte pet Llama and give Goat Man competition ( old man that walks his pet goat downtown).
5.       One Way ticket to Bora Bora……. ( Holly…… be nice.)

I’m not sure if the $20 will stretch to cover any of these ideas, but I think a homemade card, mixed tape, and cake with a scary clown on top will do.


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